Delayed news & the Teaching English certificate is mine!
04-07-2013 22:08Hey!
Yeah, after a month of hard work the Teaching English certificate is mine... (check the blog) and after another month in Spain I've had plenty of time to practice my Spanish too before I'll leave to Ecuador, and to improve my busking skills a bit again :D.
As a technical wonder (uuuhmm) I didn't really ask what "there is internet" meant exactly in this case, so I had to get by with a USB modem of 200 mb a month. That didn't ring a bell of course, until I found out I needed 10 mb already to search for one single image for my teaching activities. Then I knew I wouldn't be able to both post my stories and pass my course at the same time.
That's why this delayed blog update, but I did write down my stories on paper... so to make it up to you (?? :P) one of them's been posted today and one will be tomorrow. With Spanish apologies... Now everybody (read: except Nelly) has internet on his phone, it's turned out to be impossible to find an internet café! Technological improvement that is :P.
What the plans are now? I'll go to Ecuador in the week of 13-16 of August. The people of Minadores de Suenos, the project in Ecuador that I would join in september, told me that there won't be a volunteering place for me there, so I'll have to reorganise my activities in the next days. And a party :D. I'll keep you informed!
Greets from my little pueblo Holandes!