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23-08-2013 11:05
My alarm wakes me up at half past three, one hour and a half after I went to bed. As usual my planning has been a disaster. The travelgear I ordered on the internet wouldn't have arrived before today if I wouldn't have picked it up myself yesterday, my bank cards seemed to have arrived just in time...
11-07-2013 13:32
Jajajajaaa, er is een datum! Op vrijdag 16 augustus om 10 uur vlieg ik van Amsterdam naar Quito (Ecuador)!
Zoals gezegd is de planning meteen al helemaal veranderd vanaf het begin: het project Minadores de Suenos in Quito blijkt toch geen plaats voor me the hebben in september en ik heb natuurlijk...
11-07-2013 13:04
Yeyeyeyeeeeh, there's a date! On friday the 16th of august at 10 I leave from Amsterdam to Quito (Ecuador)!
As I said the planning will already be totally different from what I thought in the beginning: the project Minadores de Suenos in Quito turned out not to have a place for me in september and...
10-07-2013 22:59
Be somebody: think for yourself, dream, feel. Choose actively. And live the way you choose.
There's a young man sitting in the corner
Saying "girl, we've got everything but time.
There's luck to buy and work to do
I would hurry up, if I were you
10-07-2013 22:56
It's about picking yourself up at moments that unpleasent surprises have turned your life upside down and obviously there's no way back. Memories will stay as "holes in the air". Accept and cherish them, and then "follow the sun on it's way to tomorrow."
10-07-2013 22:51
It's easy to forget about the victims of war, that our countries are participating in too. We get used to the stories and images of the wounded (physically and mentally), the ones who lost everything they had; friends and family of the people who died. This song is to remind us of them and of the...
10-07-2013 22:42
This song may be a bit of a strange combination I guess between folk and something that sounds like South-American music (?? I don’t really know what it’s suppose to be, in my head in sounds a bit like Cuban music or something…). It’s about how people’s lives can be lit up by others, even when they...
10-07-2013 22:38
In Cadiz I got to know a lot of people living / working on the street. I was both a busker and a medical student, and I could clearly feel the difference in how people looked at me being one or the other. Talking about that being so unfair, someone once said: “yeah, we should listen to John Lennon...
10-07-2013 17:30
“Oh ja!” Wist je dat…
… het eerste “oh ja!”-moment was: de fietser die ik vanuit de bus vanaf het vliegveld over de snelweg zag slingeren, met een helm op?
… dat eigenlijk het tweede “oh ja!”-moment was?
… ik het moment van met backpack, handbagage én gitaar de buitenlucht van 35 graden in...
10-07-2013 17:00
“Oh, yeah...” Did you know that…
… the first "oh, yeah..."-moment was: the cycler I saw from the bus, swaying on the highway but with a helmet (?).
… that was actually the second "oh, yeah..."-moment?
… I didn't count the moment that I stepped into the 35 degrees "fresh air"...